


Water-taking way

High quality water source for Shede liquor is taken from the snow treasure top of Minshan mountain of 5,588 meters’ sea level into the Fujiang river. It has to go through unique tertiary treatment. The first treatment is the upwelling of mineralized layer of vegetable matter and gravel dialysis. The second treatment is the physical purification of tons of head tank. The third treatment is world-class water treatment equipment, the small molecule group of active water produced by which can promote the metabolism of the human body and allow the liquor more comfortable.

Ten tons of head tank: the circular building of tons of head tank covered by green shade is composed of the suction sump and outlet sump that connecting with each other and each with a storage capacity of 5,000tons of water. The main function is to dispatch water for production and living.

Sales Hotline

400 977 8989

SHEDE Travel complaints hotline:086-0825-6618888
National Tourism Service Hotline :086-12301
Address:No.999, Tuopai avenue, Tuopai town, Shehong county
Copyright © Shede Spirits co., ltd. 蜀ICP备05015328号 

Relevant data comes from third-party agencies and company operating date